Nordstrom Templates

Nordstrom Email Design Templates

Below are multiple projects I completed during my time with

Role: Contract Senior Designer,

I was asked to create outfitting creative that could then be turned into templates for the email design team. I designed two different email options to showcase outfitting. These were then documented into the Template Guidelines document and turned into PSD templates for the email design team to use.

Outfitting creative option 1

Outfitting creative option 1 templatized


Outfitting creative option 2

Outfitting creative option 2 templatized


Seasonal Graphic Emails - Text Only

Nordstrom seasonally updates color block graphic emails. For this update I gathered the color stories from the upcoming Spring 2020 Creative Branding. I worked with the creative manager to determine a set of colors we could use for text only email backgrounds that laddered up to the company wide Spring story telling.


After Effects Animation

I updated the template by masking the text to appear over a photographic background. Nordstrom had used an existing template with animated text on simple color background.